Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Weekly Money Check-up

Happy Tuesday to you! Yesterday was going along good...walked 3 miles; did laundry; laid out in the sun for a bit to soak up a little Vitamin D; cleaned up the house a little; FORGOT A MEETING until my ride honked in the driveway!!! How embarrassing!!! So I ran out, asked her if she could give me 5 minutes, quickly changed my clothes, brushed my teeth and away we went (sans makeup--now that's scary)! It all turned out well and good but I couldn't believe I forgot about it, especially since I had mentioned it to my husband just that morning! In my defense, this was a quarterly meeting and I had forgotten to write it on the calendar. Anyone else out there have lapses in memory?

Yesterday was Ginna's Weekly Money Check-up over at My Pretty Pennies but since I was busy forgetting things I didn't get around to playing till today. I love the picture she used for the Check-up this week! Sooo, here goes...

  1. The most money I spent this last week was on...Our 33rd wedding anniversary:) We stayed in a motel for two nights in Lake Oswego, Oregon, ate in restaurants and bought lots of groceries to bring home. This was a definite splurge!
  2. Today I am thankful for...33 years of marriage to the same man! And especially thankful that being married to him just keeps getting better.
  3. Money can't buy happiness. One free thing I did last week that made me happy was...A nice long visit with my brother. Not a phone call or a text or an email but a nice, long, face-to-face visit:) The time went by so fast; I'm going to have to schedule more of those.
  4. I will consider this week a success if...I get the Father's Day cards made and mailed! Now, that shouldn't be too hard, should it?
  5. I am currently reading...I am beginning to hate this question because I haven't been reading much lately so am still reading the same books--A Time to Dance by Karen Kingsbury (I promise I will finish this one today!); I Will Die Free by Noble Alexander (with Kay Rizzo); and Ask the Animals by Bruce R. Coston, D.V.M. I am also still reading my new Weight Watchers magazine!
What were your money challenges and successes last week? 

Thanks for stopping by today. I hope to be back tomorrow with a finished project or two.  Kat

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