Sunday, July 20, 2014

Sunday Night Chit-Chat

The last week has been full, full, full physically and emotionally! Tuesday was my 60th birthday (more on that later); I had a dentist appointment on Thursday and was super sick on Friday! 

Today hubby and I went shopping for a new mattress! I can think of more fun things to shop for but a comfortable mattress is important! After all, we spend a third of our life in bed!

Lots of raspberries for the freezer:)

I am...
  • Watching...Cedar Cove on Netflix
  • Reading...A Promise to Believe in by Tracie Peterson and A First-Rate Madness by Nassir Ghaemi
  • Listening to...Cedar Cove on the TV
  • Cooking/Baking...It's been too hot to cook or bake so we have been eating a lot of sandwiches and salads lately.
  • Enjoyed over the last week...A birthday and wonderful gifts! So many well-wishes from family and friends.
  • Thankful for today...It's starting to cool down a bit! It has been so hot for the last two weeks so a cool down is most welcome:)
  • Happy you accomplished this week...I went to the dentist for the first time in 4 years! That's kind of embarrassing to say but true. My husband had to drag me kicking and screaming but I was glad I went...after the fact!
  • Looking forward to this week...My Happy Stampers meet on Wednesday:)
  • Favorite thing to eat this time of year...Fruit! It's hard to pick just one but I particularly enjoy raspberries, peaches and apricots! Our apricot tree is so full of luscious fruit this year! 
Well, thank you for joining me tonight for the Chit-Chat! I will be back again tomorrow for Happy Homemaker Monday!
