Sunday, June 29, 2014

Sunday Night Chit-Chat

Photo from Franklin Planner website

It's time for the Sunday Night Chit-Chat! A big thank you to Carla at My 1/2 Dozen Daily for hosting the Chit-Chat each week. My picture is of the wonderful new planner I purchased this week! I am super excited about getting organized!!!

  • Watching? Silver Linings Playbook DVD and Royal Pains on Netflix
  • Reading? The Geometry of Sisters by Luanne Rice; just finished from Paralysis to Praise by Shirley Thrush yesterday; still enjoying Living Life Undaunted by Christine Caine
  • Listening to? The wind blowing hard!
  • Cooking/Baking? I haven't been in a cooking or baking mood lately so nothing. We had sandwiches and potato chips for dinner!
  • Enjoyed over the last week? Planning visit to my daughter's for 4th of July weekend.
  • Thankful for today? I am thankful for our home, our garden and my family. 
  • Happy you accomplished this week? I ordered and received a weekly planner from Franklin Planner and started working on a schedule to become more organized. I also sent two bags of my clothes off to the Goodwill! Yay!!! So many more to go!!! I have put a reminder to purge in my new planner.
  • Thinking about financially? I haven't been thinking about money at all lately. Hubby takes care of the household finances and I get an allowance. Right now everything seems to be running smoothly. I would like to save for a nice electronic piano so I can take piano lessons so will need to work up a plan for that.
Thanks for stopping in for the Sunday Night Chit-Chat! I will be back tomorrow for Happy Homemaker Monday!



  1. My dad started playing the piano when he was in his fifties. Still plays every day.

  2. I love that planner. I used the Franklin Planner many years ago. I am going to go to their website and check them out. Thanks and do have a great week!

    1. I got the spiral bound weekly planner this time. I love the daily one but not sure I need all that room to write. I do think it's the best planner around. I went to the training years ago!
