Saturday, January 4, 2014

Choose Joy

As I have been thinking of ways to reduce the pressure (stress) in my life, I read a favorite blog of mine, lil blue boo. Ashley is writing about "31 things that have helped her consciously choose joy". Start with January 1, The Year of Joy! While reading her blog posts, I have been thinking of ways to choose joy in my life each and every day. 

So what am I going to do this week to Choose Joy?

  • Spend 1 hour per day in Bible study and prayer
  • Send at least one handwritten (or typed if my hand isn't cooperating) note per week
  • Practice contentment
  • Spend at least one hour per day being creative:)
I have enjoyed Ashley's blog for some time and you won't be disappointed if you decide to visit. Her stories about her daughter Boo are hilarious; her Cancer Chronicles are inspirational and The Year of Joy is pure gold!

I will be back tomorrow night for the Sunday Night Chit-Chat! I am looking forward to sharing some cards and crocheted items with you next week!



  1. I like your list of things and it makes me think I should make up my list.
