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Happy Homemaker Monday button courtesy of Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom |
The weather...48 degrees (F) and partly cloudy. Looks to be another really nice day in February:)
Right now I am...Sitting in my rocking recliner, drinking Yerba Mate tea with a touch of raw Canadian honey, finishing up this post.
Thinking...how I have a couple of really cluttered areas that need to be dealt with. I think I will make that my February project!
On my reading pile...Just started Jubal Sackett by Louis L'Amour as our read aloud book; started reading Happiness Key again and hoping to make it through this time!
On my TV...Downton Abbey! I like this show enough to get it on DVD!!!
Favorite blog post this week (mine or other)...Pay it Forward by Elizabeth Farrar at Bella Vita.
Something fun to share...I rarely pay more than $2.99 for an iPad app but this week I took the plunge and bought the Home Routines App for $4.99. I have only had it a couple of days but LOVE it! It is like a daily, weekly, monthly "to do" list that resets at intervals YOU set. Whoo Hoo! It even goes along with the cleaning zone that the Fly Lady program has. Check it out!
On the menu this week...I don't have anything planned for this week yet.
On my to do list...I didn't get much done last week so have to use the same list AGAIN:( It's starting to get embarrassing!
- Thank you cards--make and send--Hmmm...starting to think I should just BUY the cards and get them mailed!
- Laundry--stayed up on the laundry all week
- The Cupboard Trilogy DT project--finished and submitted
- Get February Card Swap organized and emails sent--Tada! Got this one done too:)
- Walk on the treadmill 3 x this week
- Clean out the refrigerator
- Send one handwritten note via snail mail:) I am going to try to send one per week--missed last week so will try to send two this week.
- Finish editing short story for friend and get it sent off to her. Almost finished with this; plan to get it in the mail today or tomorrow.
What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or crafting...Still have the same projects:( Haven't been working on them lately but want to pick them up and finish them! I am the Queen of Unfinished Projects!
Homemaking tips...This isn't really a homemaking tip; more of a personal care tip but gotta share it anyway. I read on Pinterest about using a mixture of baking soda and coconut oil to wash your face twice a week and the other days just use coconut oil to wash your face. Your face will feel a little oily for about 15 minutes but then will just be soft and smooth! If you do this before you get in the shower, your face will be ready for makeup when you get out. It only takes about 1/2 tsp of baking soda and 1/2 tsp of coconut oil. Super inexpensive and effective!!! I am loving this!
I should save this one for next week but I was sooo excited about it!!! Did you know that you can put vinegar (full strength) in a spray bottle to kill weeds? My son is going to put it in his 4-wheeler sprayer to spray the driveway!!! It will also kill your plants so be careful but it won't destroy your soil; in fact, it's good for the soil.
Looking around the house...Looks pretty good:) The dogs haven't taken many toys out yet this morning! I am working on doing 15 minutes of pickup before I go to bed and it sure makes a difference. I did this regularly when the kids were little but got sloppy in my old age:(
From the camera...
My very huge Christmas cactus is in bloom. This one is called "white" but it's actually a very pale pink. These blossoms are so pretty! |
Bible verse; Devotional...
"For I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know both how to have a little, and I know how to have a lot. In any and all circumstances I have learned the secret of being content—whether well-fed or hungry, whether in abundance or in need. I am able to do all things through Him who strengthens me." Philippians 4:11-13 (HCSB)
This verse was part of the devotional this morning from Proverbs 31 Ministries called The Joneses are Overrated. This devotional address so well the topic of Sandra's post from last week, Chasing Simplicity.
Have a great day!
Oh we love Louis L'Amour, and have quite a few of his short stories on cd that we listen to in the van when we travel.
ReplyDeleteI like your tip and I'm going to try it tomorrow when I shower.
I love Louis L'Amour.
ReplyDeleteI am weird, I don't like Flylady LOL I tried her many many years ago and felt so pressured and overwhelmed, it was a bit too much for me. I can do organized without that LOL Told you, I'm weird.
Hope you have a good week.